بدء التسجيل فى برنامج التدريب بالشركة المصرية للاتصالات 2018

بدء التسجيل فى برنامج التدريب بالشركة المصرية للاتصالات 2018

إستمراراً للجهود المبذولة من الشركة المصرية للاتصالات
فى تنمية قدرات الطلاب والخريجين وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل
يعلن قطاع التدريب - بتاريخ اليوم 28 / 6 / 2018
عن بدء التسجيل فى

Network Training 2018

بشهادة معتمدة من وزارة الاتصالات
- TCP/IP Standard
- Introduction to Routing Protocols
- Introduction to Switching Concepts
- Data Center Visit
المزيد من المعلومات برجاء الإتصال بـ
إدارة التسويق – قطاع التدريب 
تليفون :  22640100- 22640028 - 22640063
فاكس :  22640035
Email: marketingdept@te.eg

Network Training 2018

Cisco CCNA
Aim: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) indicates
a foundation in and apprentice knowledge of
networking, validates the ability to install,
configure, operate and troubleshoot
medium-size route and switched networks,
including implementation and verification of
connections to route sites in a WAN (Wide Area Network).
CCNA R&S Introduction to networks
CCNA R&S Routing and switching essentials
CCNA R&S Scaling Networks
CCNA R&S connecting Networks

Target Group:
People who wish to enter the Networking Industry, Networking
practioners who wish to upgrade their skill set, Network administrator,
Network Engineers, Network Managers and System Engineers.
Duration: 25 Days
For More Inforrmation, Please Contact
Marketing Depa
Fax: 222640035-24055720
Email: marketingdeptate.eg

Cisco CCNA

Communication Systems Training 2018
Optical Fiber
Fiber Optic Fundamentals
Fiber Optic Cables Preparing & Splicing
Fiber Optic Cables Measurem
Fiber To The Home (FTTH)
PDH Multiplexing
Principles and Characteristics of the SDH
Basic Elements of STM-1
. Mapping
. Pointer
. Overhead
. Monitoring, Maintenance and Control in the SDH
SDH Protection Features
.SDH Measurement and testing equipment
. DWDM Introduction
. Linear Effects
. Non-Linear High-Power Effects
. Optical Devices
Introduction to Satellite Communication
. Introduction to VSAT network
.VSAT Applications
Multiple Access Protocols
VSAT network architecture and top level specifications
Ka-band versus Ku-band

Duration:4 weeks (20 Days)
For More Information, Please Contact
Marketing Department - Training Sector
Tel:22640063-22640028 22640100
Email marketingdept@te.eg

Communication Systems Training 2018

Optical Fiber& SDH
Duration:10 Days
Optical Fiber
-Fiber Optic Fundamentals
-Fiber Optic Cables Preparing&Splicing
-Fiber Optic Cables Measurements
-Optical Fiber Measurements (OTDR & Optical Power Meter)
-PDH Multiplexing
-Principles and Characteristics of the SDH
-Basic Elements of STM-1, STM-N & Different Multiplexing Levels
-Monitoring, Maintenance and Control in the SDH
-SDH Protection Features
SDH Measurement and testing equipment
-Optical Spectrum Analyzer

Practical Training & Site Visit
Marketing Department - Training Sector
Tel: 22640063-22640028-22640100
Email: marketingdept@te.eg

Optical Fiber& SDH

from وظائف مصرية https://ift.tt/2KuWAS6


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