QA Documentation Specialist For Al-andalous for Pharmaceutical Industries

Al-andalous for Pharmaceutical Industries is currently looking for "QA Documentation Specialist"
  • Job Criteria:
  1. Bachelor of Pharmacy or Science.
  2. Males only
  3. 2-3 years of experience at QA documentation section in pharma.
  4. 6th October resident is preferable.

  • Job Responsibilities:
  1. Responsible for documents control, distribution and withdrawal the obsolete and invalid versions e.g.: approved procedures, specifications, methods of analysis, protocols and plans & ……etc. From all departments within 7 working days from day approved.
    • Responsible for daily stamping and issuance of the required BPR and BMR for production.
    • Responsible for assuring the destruction of all obsolete documents.
    • Responsible for Filling and archiving system of all the documents within 7 days.
    • Responsible for preparation & revision of files and samples send to MOH weekly.

  • Job Location: 6th of October
If you are matching with these criteria kindly send your CV to:
Please mention "QA Documentation Specialist" in the subject-line

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