Senior Personnel Specialist For Canal Sugar - Minya

Canal Sugar is recruiting for “Senior Personnel Specialist" based in Minya Site with below requirements;

• Responsible for hiring and resignation process.

• Manage the recording of employee attendance, Overtime, vacations.

• Responsible for the out sourced staff payroll.

• Responsible for the implementation of attendance & leave system on SAP with SAP team ( Create policy & testing & implementation ).

• Responsible for all kind of disciplinary investigations and labor law penalties.

• Manage the recording of employee attendance, vacations.

• Following the monthly time sheets and overtime


- Bachelor Degree in any related field.

- Proven experience working as a Personnel Specialist for a minimum of 4 years.

If interested, please send your CV to mentioning position title in your mail subject. 

from Hire Me Now


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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