Technical Internal Audit Manager For Canal Sugar

 Canal Sugar is recruiting for “Technical Internal Audit Manager" with 50% mobility in Minya with below requirements;

1. Well-developed technical and commercial knowledge of contracts and project management methodology as well as detailed knowledge of General Contractor, Electrical Contractor, and Mechanical Contractor markets and drivers. Keen understanding of inner workings of sub-contracted work, building requirements, construction delivery methods, and best practices.

2. Review the financial progress of the project, compare budget amounts to actual expenses that helps senior management adjust and minimize project costs while work is still in progress.

3. Strong working knowledge of complex projects and international practices, working knowledge of architectural/design documentation, including construction and shop drawings, construction scheduling and the construction process are strongly encouraged to apply.


- Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.

- PMP or RICS.

- 7-12 years of experience Construction, Oil & Gas

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If interested, please forward your CV to and mention the position title in your mail subject.

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