Accountant For Amsterdam Clinics - Alexandria

 Amsterdam Clinics is hiring Accountant

  • Location: Smouha Alexandria.
  • salary: confidential.
  1. Duties,Tasks and Responsibility:
  2. Preparing accounts and tax returns.
  3. Administering payrolls and controlling income, income taxes and expenditure
  4. Prepare and provide accurate and timely managed accounting reports and business performance data.
  5. Prepare accurate and up-to date financial and management accounting information to facilitate decision-making.
  6. Respond to accounting inquiries from management in a timely fashion.
  7. Maintaining robust claims, cash handling and banking procedures.
  8. Implement effective systems of monitoring performance against budget.
  9. Identifying significant budget variances and possible remedial action.
  10. Producing divisional and corporate forecasts for income and expenditure on monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
  11. Providing relevant and monthly statements, reports and reconciliations together with appropriate interpretation and advice for the Management.
  12. Responsible for treasury and make sure of effective cash flow and management


  • College degree
  • 5 to 7 years of experience in the same field or Public relations.
  • English fluency is a must
  • Active and committed
  • Alexandria residents only can apply by sending cv to email

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