Store Accountant For Carina Wear

 About the Job

Job Details:

Providing daily support to the stores, related to cash fiscal and administrative issues.

Managing credit card collection reconciliations.

Posting Local vendor invoices and pre-paid expenses.

Enhancing administrative control of periodic fiscal stock takes.

Looking after multi bank transactions and internet banking.

Audit daily retail store Point of Sale (POS) sales on an exception basis by performing transaction edits in audit tool.

Ensures the sales data in audit tool and general ledger are aligned each period.

Identifies, researches and resolves sales trends and detect discrepancies in retail sales/cash flow.

Maintain daily Accounting details including procedures, reconciliations, journal entries, and documentation.

Participate in the accounting close process including monthly account reconciliations .

Communicate as necessary with retail store manager to validate compliance with company policies and procedures.

Performs special tasks and projects relation to functional responsibilities or other areas, as needed on variances.


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