English for Career Development – US Embassy

 English for Career Development a five-module, self-paced MOOC. This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process in the United States, while comparing and contrasting the same process in your home country. This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals. In this course, you will review the job application process, learn strategies for identifying jobs that match your skills and interests, develop skills to produce a professional-looking resume and cover letter, and improve your networking and interview skills.


English for Career Development is designed for high-beginner to low-intermediate non-native English speakers. This course will guide you through the job application process while expanding your vocabulary and language skills at the same time. This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path, while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals. The first module in this course will introduce the U.S. job application process and provide strategies for identifying the jobs that match your interests and skills. Module 2 will take you through the steps necessary to produce a professional-looking resume. In Module 3, you will work to develop a clear and concise cover letter. Module 4 will focus on developing your networking. Module 5, the final unit of the course focuses on interview skills.

This course was developed by the University of Pennsylvania and adapted by FHI 360 for the Online Professional English Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.


This course will be active from September 13 – December 27, 2021

The orientation module and Module 1 will open on September 13 at 12:01 AM ET. This orientation is designed to help you get familiar with Canvas and how to get help. It is not mandatory.

Once you finish a module, the next one will automatically unlock. All coursework must be completed by December 27, 2021. No late submissions will be accepted.

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Learning Objectives and Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Compare and contrast the job search process in the United States and your home country.
• Describe your professional interests and talents and begin developing your professional profile.
• Produce your own 1-page resume which reflects your education, work experience, and skills.
• Produce your own cover letter and explain why you are the right person for the job.
• Describe yourself briefly in a networking elevator speech.

Prepare and answer an interview question briefly and clearly

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Expectations and Grading

Course Schedule: This course runs from September 13 to December 27, 2021. In order to complete the course, participants should work online and offline for 3-5 hours per module. This is a self-paced course and assignments can be completed at any time. This is a
self-paced course and assignments can be completed at any time before the close date on December 27, 2021.

How to pass this course: There are five modules in the English for Career Development MOOC:

  1. Entering the Job Market
  2. Writing a Resume
  3. Writing a Cover Letter
  4. Developing Your Professional Network
  5. Interviewing for a Job

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Each module will have one or more quizzes. Participants who satisfactorily complete all of the required quizzes with a score of 70% or above before the course close date will receive a digital badge and certificate of participation.

Course Policies


Plagiarism is using someone else’s words instead of your own. In this course, you are expected to use your own words and ideas, and to acknowledge any sources you use to gather ideas. Plagiarism is not allowed in OPEN courses.

The English language courses offered by US EMBASSY



Instructor: Jessamyn Embry

Senior Technical Officer / Instructor

Jessamyn Embry is a Senior Technical Officer for English Language Acquisition at FHI 360. She has taught and administered English language programs in the United States, France, and India, She holds a BA in International Studies from American University’s School of International Service and an MA TESOL from the SIT Graduate Institute.

Email: elamooc@fhi360.org

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About Canvas Network 

Canvas Network is an open space for educators to share, experiment, analyze, and create.


To promote OPENNESS, INNOVATION, and EXPERIMENTATION in education by providing educators access to professional development courses and programs that will help them thrive and succeed in their careers.

To Canvas Network ‘open’ means:

  • Open entry and open access. Open entry for learners around the globe and continual access to course content after the course end date.
  • Open content. Open licensing options and content sharing to Canvas Commons where other instructors reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute content.
  • Open platform and ecosystem. Open platform to integrate and innovate with third-party tools.
  • Open data. Open, de-identified Canvas Network data for researchers to analyze and synthesize.
  • Platform neutrality. Your course. Your goals. Your way. We provide the platform for open innovation and experimentation.

About US Embassy

What does the US Embassy Do?

The primary purpose of an embassy is to assist American citizens who travel to or live in the host country. U.S. Foreign Service Officers also interview citizens of the host country who wish to travel to the United States for business, education, or tourism purposes.

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U.S. Embassy, London Embassy in London, England

The Embassy of the United States of America in London is the diplomatic mission of the United States in the United Kingdom. It is the largest American embassy in Western Europe and the focal point for events relating to the United States held in the United Kingdom. 

Embassy of the United States, BeijingOffice in Beijing, China

The Embassy of the United States in Beijing is the diplomatic mission of the United States in China. It serves as the administrative office of the United States Ambassador to China. The embassy complex is in Chaoyang District, Beijing.


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