McDonald’s Egypt Internship



McDonald’s Egypt aims to proudly employ driven and diverse personalities with the goal of improving their professional skills. This year McDonald’s is launching its first HR internship offering various programs complementing our candidates’ former knowledge and education.



The operations department is responsible for all aspects of the day to day of restaurants including sales, customer service, quality control, staff development, training, provide effective line-management and human resources


Human Resources

The human resources department is responsible for designing and implementing HR programs and policies that help company leaders better manage the workforce, with an overall goal of building and developing a workforce that is capable of helping the company meet its goals.


Training, Learning & Development

The Training learning and development department, is responsible for aligning the  employee goals and performance with that of the organization’s. It is responsible for identifying skill gaps then develop and deliver training to bridge those gaps.



The Marketing Department plays a vital role in promoting the business and mission of the organization. It serves as the face of our company, coordinating and producing all materials representing the business. they do their best to reach out to prospects, customers, and the community, while creating an overarching image that represents our company in a positive light.


Supply chain

The supply chain Department manages the flow of goods. This includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.



The Finance Department ensures efficient financial management and financial control necessary to support all business activities. This includes acquiring, managing and planning for the expenditure of funds on various assets.



The IT Department is responsible for providing the infrastructure for automation. It implements the governance of the company's technological systems, maintenance of the infrastructure, and functionality of the systems overall. for the use of network and operating systems, and it assists the operational units by providing them the functionality they need.



The Development department is responsible for selecting our restaurants sites, designing complete the construction work and finally maintaining our restaurants building and equipment.



The main responsibility of the administration department is to administers the leases and renting agreements.

from Hire Me Now


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