Canal Sugar’s Summer Internship Program 2024


Don't Miss Out! | Canal Sugar’s Summer Internship Program 2024 🌟
Attention all Juniors & Seniors students majoring in Engineering, Business, Agriculture, Construction, Electrical, Mechanical, Accounting, Finance, HR, Supply Chain, IT or Legal.
🚀 Kick-start your career with one of the biggest sugar companies in the world and gain hands-on experience working with industry leaders.
The program is available in the headoffice in Cairo & our site in Minya
Here's how to apply:
Send email to
That includes:
1. Email Subject: Summer Internship.
2. Attach your CV.
3. Highlight your interest field.
4. Send your email before the deadline, 7th of July 2024.
📢 Spread the word and encourage your friends to apply too!

from Hire Me Now


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