Logistics Coordinator For Hassan Allam Holding


Job description

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Confirm shipping bookings declaration, contact, and communicate with both freight forwarders and shipping lines to get rates, looking for transit time, free time and other factor.
  • Checking all shipping documents as BL, Invoice, packing lists, CO, EUR 1 and all other documents. 
  • Daily shipments tracking to update its ETA and its payment statues
  • Handling any problems related to demurrage and delay of empty containers and asking the shipping lines for discount to reduce the penalty amount. (In case of doing delay)
  • Monitoring shipments, costs, timelines, and productivity.
  • Receive and review all draft-shipping documents.
  • Coordinate with customs brokers to finalize shipments on time
  • Liaise with the Trade finance department to ensure sending the shipping instructions on time and meet the L/C instructions.
  • Receive and review freight invoices from different service providers.
  • Communicate and respond to different logistics inquiries.

General Requirements & Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in Logistics, Supply Chain or related field.
  • 1:4 years of experience in the same field
  • Excellent command of English language.
  • High Communication Skills
  • Previous experience in Foreign Logistics.

from Hire Me Now https://ift.tt/ezAxgDH


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